Dashboard - My Universe
Welcome to a peek into my mind. Everything on this website is canon.
This is Lore Dump, a compelation of whatever I’ve managed to write down at this point in time. This project initially started as a private discord server and this is the v1.0 release of the website!
Due to the structure of the website, there are multiple functionallites that rely on javascript, so I recommend not turning it of for this site
Please note that this website is very much work-in-progress, so a lot of content is missing at the time of witing.
The font is copied from Fancade.css, but appart than that, everything on this website, including the site itself, was created and compiled by Mr. Carrot using tools such as:
- My phone camera
- Built in image editor
- VScode
- Pixel Stuido
- Discord
- Markdown to HTML
- Technically Pandoc too, but it didn’t work propperly
Fire guy/God of fire (Titles)

- Universe: The universe of madness
- Type Elemental (fire)
- Personality: Highly honorable, only kills when it’s strictly necessary. He looks up to the other “gods” in The Council, especially the god of light. Operates on respect.
- Misc:
- Member of The Council
- Wields a flaming battle axe, powered by a somewhat rare crystal that has accumulated large amounts of fire energy as it was thrown into an active volcano at one point.

- Animal wishperer and chaos warrior
- Owns the fourth chaos amulet
- Is very cautious of humans, he doesn't trust them at all due to a traumatic childhood due to his appearance.
- However, he managed to find friends later in life when he joined the chaos warriors.
- The wings are ones of a griffin, they grew out of his chestpeice when he summoned the powers from his chaos amulet

Source: Unknown
- Her name is Katja.
- She’s pissed.
- Most people work on mutual respect. Katja works on mutual disrespect.
- She’s a type of anarchist.
As a chaos warrior, she wears a chaos amulet.
- It’s not removable by normal means, so don’t even try it
- This allows her to summon inverted flamed (as in, they burn downwards), specifically in square formations.
- She can control a maximum of ten inverted flames at a time, one for each finger, but she has more control when she uses fewer.
- She usually summons them in the sky and then manipulates the to crash towards the ground, making a pillar of fire on the way before they evaporate/suffocate.
- She’s not a drunkard, but it’s not uncommon to see her in barfights with such people.
- The blade of her sword is made from a lightning strike that is frosen in time, but it pretty much acts like a solid (and yes, all those little edges on the sword is just as sharp as the tip).
- Her armor is multi-layered with metal, rubber and fabric in order to be lightning and fireproof.
- The "horns" on her helmet is actually teeth from a black dragon.
Crezy Ilabemios

- Defies all logic.
- Runs in the air.
- When he does, he can create rifts in reality, warping to a different dimension (not yet properly defined, but whatever).
- originates from the first established location/the first universe/whatever. (same as the darkness elemental, the founder of the chaos warriors and other minor characters such as Bengt)

- Sure is Carol alright

Timeout! Infinte loop?
- Made basic wireframe
- Made functional sidebar
- put button to toggle visivility of the sidebar
- Changed title
- Put log in an iframe on main mage
- Revised the css file structure, now using main.css for all pages and a local style.css
- Integrated games
- Made a simple skew animation on main site
- Restructured everything (pretend that 2.last never happened) to get rid of the main iframe and replaced it with a #page system that auto-hides any of the "pages" that are not the currently active one
- Made #Lore and fixed overflow issues
- Made minor changes in the style.css
- made the "simple" animation significantly more complex
- Made #dashboard (a single h2) and made it the defult on root
- More styling
- Intergrated the content of #Lore
- Made linked sub-headers in #Lore and #Log and linked them in the sidebar
- added script to handle automatic hiding and revealing of the sub-headers. Might change to <details> elements
- SLight update to #Dashboard explaining my interpritation of the assignment
- Styled user selections
- Added #Gallery to display some images
- Fixed a lot of errors on the js side
- No more trycatch :>
- Changed the sidebar to use <details> to auto hide content. Replaced the old auto-hide with a simpler using the new system
- Added extra swag (imageg in containers + styling) to #Gallery by including lore snippets or comments (not included in #Lore, sorry)
- Added #Arcs
- More styling tweeks
Super Epok games, Developed by yours truly.
- Sokobullet
- Battle Carrot
- Armored Snake
anything goes >:)
- Unless listed otherwise, the source of “lore dump” is The Council’s Intelligence Archives (tCIA I couldn’t resist, ok?), managed by the light and dark elementals since the darkness elemental is not in any condition to do anything heavier than research and the light elemental handels logistics and doesn’t trust the darkness elemental.
- The darkness elemental researches soul manipulation and it’s nature for the benefit of The Council. One of his greater achievements is generalising the teleport crystal, allowing for the user to set it’s destination after its creation. Before they had to set it during the creaton, meaning that you had to know everywhere you needed to go before you can even start working. Now they can become mass produced and even available for the intergalactical market alongside other magical items like magical staffs and weapons.
The Universe of Madness terms #1
“Soul” - The embodiment of a being who lives inside said being. It has feelings, but no memories and cannot by any circumstance die (it can however, be trapped/sealed). The will of a soul is absolute, nothing can truly defy it. The souls can be merged if both of the souls agree to it. When a soul’s vessel dies, it is released and travels to find a new suitable vessel
“Magical/Psychic Energy” - The embodiment of whatever is around it (eg the magical energy in an active volcano is based on heat/fire)
“Crystals” - “Crystals” refers to a transparent type of crystal witch grows in caves. They are uncolored when that are first formed, but under normal circumstances it quickly gain color because of its properly of being able to naturally absorb magical energy. When it absorbs enough of the same type of magical energy, it’s hue changes to represent the element it can be used for (eg red for fire blue for water white for ice etc)
“The First God” - Was an incredibly strong being without a face who could weild all elements. They gave up four of elements to their closest allies (fire, lightning, nature and light)
“The Second God” - The first god was eventually killed and the first god’s soul merged with a chosen successor. That successor became known as “the second god” and was a woman in her 20s. She had a strong desire to protect the universe of madness and thought it would be better if her power was more evenly diveded across it, instead of being concentrated at a single planet. So she set out on a journey across the universe in search of determined being that could act as protectors with elemental powers. According to the legends, she gave away her powers until she had nothing left to give and slowly faded away.
The Universe of Madness terms #2
“Soul Manipulation” - Commonly called “magic”. It refers to techniques that uses souls (in most cases the soul in question will be your own, but there are numerous exeptions) in order to manipulate magical energy. The reason why people want to manipulate souls is because the will of a soul is stronger than the forces of nature itself. For example, elementals soul contains the power to control a single element. Almost everyone else have to rely on ancient artifacts or custom made magical items with crystals to be able to manipulate the soul.
“Vessel” - Something that can contain a soul and let said soul be 100% free
“Crystal Golem” - (often shortened to “golem”) If a crystal with sufficient magical energy contained within it, bits of surrounding terrain naturally “sticks” to the crystal and starts forming a body. When this occurs, it’s classified as a vessel and will gain some level of consciousness if a soul enters it’s body. However, due to its crude design, they aren’t capable of thinking on the same level as, for example, a human. The golem’s size is directly correlated with the amount of magical energy that it contains. It is not uncommon for golems to gather crystals in large piles in hope that a bigger golem will eventually emerge from it (since more crystals lead to a higher cap of the magical energy that can be contained within)
The Universe of Madness terms #3
“The Council” - an orginasation of powerful individuals whose goal is to stop mass destruction of the universe of madness. Most of the beings in The Council are elements.
“Elementals” - Beings blessed with the power of an element that originated from the first god (including the ones given by the second). Their powers are contained within their soul. When an elemental dies, their soul sets out on a journey to find a successor. There are two ways of this can end up; 1: the soul finds an uninhabited vessel (usually before it’s born) or 2: it finds a vessels that already has a soul, in witch case the souls merge in order for it to inhabit the vessel. The second option only works if both souls as well as the vessel agrees to this. Despite that, it has become the more popular approach (especially in The Council), going so far that the other elements set out to find a suitable successor as soon as a fellow elemental dies.
“The Cult of Noface” - A cult who chose to remove their faces in order to imitate the first god and strip themselves from any of the personality or feelings they had before. They collect unique hats in order to extract their powers and their new personality is almost fully dependent on the unique hats they wear. Shortly after word got out, a new group of people who chose to oppose them appeared and they do whatever it takes to prevent them from meeting their goals.
A most likely incomplete list of all UOM arcs
The (chronological) beginnings of UOM:
- The first god "appears"
- The snail company/mafia's formation
- The death of the first god and the birth of the second
- The second god's plan
- The foundation of the council
First location arcs:
- The great bandits' conquerings
- The stolen amulet
- The great chaos eruption
- The great migration
"Main" UOM arcs:
- Fire training arc
- The great darkness rises
- The creation of [the great destruction being] (not darkness elemental)
- Titanium Bear (lightning elemental) training arc
- The seal of [the great destruction being]
- The big reveal of the true nature of the TitaniumBear arc
- The great battles between gods
- The final battle against the darkness elemental
- The research and study of of magic
Titan arcs:
- Lonely
- Dead?
- Great Titan protectors
- The birth of the horned titan
- The great massacre
- The final battle of the titans
- The appearance of the "god of death"
- The rise of lesser titans
- The great betrayal
A lot of these have sub-arcs, but that's a future me problem
Soul manipulation:
Practices commonly referred to as “magic” boil down to a few categories: ‘true’ soul manipulation, contract magic and external soul manipulation (or “object magic”).
‘True’ soul manipulation refers to extraction of the power within one owns soul. For example, the elementals’ magic is concidered as such since their own souls are imbued with said elemental powers.
Contract magic are soul manipulation that stems from a user of “true’ soul manipulation. If a lesser being desires the power of a higher one, then they can write a contract to keep both parties happy. Although the conditions are decided by the higher one, so it usually favours them with a significant margin.
Souls & Brains
Souls do not have memories, but they do have a will. This will is strong enough to move it from place to place as well as posses a suitable vessel and animate it in accordance to it. However, its control is not absolute and is almost always in conflict with the brain, which function is to control the body. Many humanoids are trained to resist their desires and instead listen to logic and reason from an early age. The fact that it works is proof that the physical determination of a brain is greater than the mental will of a soul. There are exceptions to this, but in the most cases that’s due to being trained in the opposite way. The discrepancies between Determination and Will often of an individual causes conflict within it when raised in the brain-first like manner described above.
Titans are huge creatures that come in many forms, but what they all have in common is their unique biology, they are all made out of “titan parts” and “titan armour”. Their “design” is modular, they can replace their body parts as well as expand on their existing ones without much issue. This has lead to the leading theory about their orgin being that they were artificially created. However, because of their strength that in a number of cases outclasses the elementals, beings many concider to be gods, or at the very least successors of gods, most find that hard to believe. Two unique abilities of the titans are that they can host two different souls without them merging or causing internal conflict and maybe even more impressively, they can survive indefinitely without any soul at all. There has been no records of a titan dying due to age or malnutrition, they seem to live until someone does something about it.
“Complete Titans” are defined as a titan with a head;
“Greater Titans” are what the term “titan” usually refers to when not specified. They are colossal humanoid beings with human-like heads and they often wear a mask and large amounts of titan armour.
“Primitive Titans” are complete titans that are not humanoids and therefore lack the ability to think in any complex manner. They lack a language and often live as hermits in whatever habitat they can get enough food to be satesfied.
Incomplete Titans are titans that lack a “proper” head. They might have something else in its place, but if it the “head” looks like something else (for example a foot or armour peice), then it most likely is an incomplete titan. Most incomplete titans lack a soul.
“Lesser titans” are titans that appears from the corpses of deceased titans. They often lack many body parts, some are nothing but a pair of legs, but most lesser titans have a torso and feet at the very least.
Soulless Titans are lesser titans created by greater titans to act as their servants. Since they lack souls, they are animated with the power of their creator and is always acting with their master’s intentions in mind. This makes them completely incapable of traitorous actions.
The Abnormal Titan
Physically, it’s a unusually higly developed lesser titan. It does not lack any limbs, but it doesn’t have hands or feet, the legs attach directly to the golden shoes. One of its armes are regular two-jointed and has a small armour piece in place of a hand which is capable of shooting fire like a flamethrower. The other is also two jointed, but it uses an unusually short segment for the first and one with a 90° curve as its second segment. It has a long orange and transparent armour piece attached to its throat. Its “face” rotates and its personally reacts accordingly. One other unusual aspect is that it shows no difficulty talking, even when it doesn’t have a mouth. Its personalities are as follows: {
‘Content’: “can’t we just go to a mountain and live a happy life?” ,
‘Calm’: “Please we don’t need others approve of us, they’re clearly reaching for what we already have acquired”,
‘Joyous thinker’; a chill dude (the first voice that entered the vessel, he was “alone” for about a year): “Is this why people are striving to get heads? To eliminate internal conflict? But then which one of us will remain if we get one? Or will none of us be in control anymore? I don’t want that…”, “let’s beat that shithead.”; “I’m not sure how much I can help, but it was wise to not take him down yourself. Man, you would’ve been so screwed” }
Spear guy
Spear guy is a hypothetical game that I mentioned in floriverse once. Characters: - Spear guy (the protagonist, prince of the kingdom of spears) - The Spear King (who gets murdered in the opening sequence) - Raven of the Night (the antagonist and one who murdered the Spear King. His usual approach is diplomacy, regardless of what kind of creature he runs into. However, with the current situation he didn’t see any other option than to gather a rebellion in order to overthrow the monarchy) - Council members may visit towns because their dress code for travelling is quite consealing and it’d be funny if the protagonist (and maybe the player too) thought that it was always the same person. They could also serve as optional boss fights if you’re daring enough to attack them. - “the innocent farmer” who’s secretly the one who makes carrots come to life with his experiments.
Platformer combat with spears. You are the Prince who’s father got assassinated with a magical knife. As a result knifes are now banned as well as any weapons except spears, because you can’t hide them. You now weild the spear of destruction which is capable of destroying any and all weapons. Your goal in combat is to destroy your opponents weapons. I also want to include a sequence where some random guy’s carrot farm’s carrots transform into hellish carrot creatures (similar to my Halloween carrots, but like when they are rouge and are brutaly consuming people alive)